Land Without Limits - Media

This is a test of the emergency broadcast system. If this were a real emergency...


Tatlayoko Lake | 6ixSigma

Let us Show YOU our Cariboo Chilcotin Coast!

Consider British Columbia’s authentic frontier, an untamed land framed by rolling hills, coastal mountains, abundant nature & wildlife combined with rich history. All of which offer a range of remote or rural to a diversity of small communities throughout the region. Join us in the Cariboo Chilcotin Coast region which covers approximately 117,500 sq km (45,415 sq mi), where cultural and contemporary lifestyles exist harmoniously.


With over 12% of British Columbia’s landmass, our vast region includes 15,000 km (9315 mi) of coastline, 8,000 lakes and 17,000 km (11,000 mi) of rivers and streams!

  • Natural Settings & Geography: Majestic mountains, picturesque valleys, meadows, remote inlets, bays, sweeping plateaus, rushing white water & meandering rivers, deep gorges, range lands, waterfalls small huge, lakes, glaciers, ocean islands channels
  • Wildlife: Deer, moose, wolves, bears, critters small and large
  • Agriculture: Farms and ranches small and huge, rodeo cowboy culture
  • Periods in Time: From the Gold Rush in the mid-1850s, early Indigenous settlement in the region dates back over 10,000 years to the 1950s and present-day throughout our region.
  • Industrial: Mines, mills, trains (trestle bridges, Trans-Canada Rail Network through the rugged Fraser Canyon)

Search our thousands of photographs to scout just the right locations for your next project. Visit our Locations Library for a complete database of location images.


creative bc